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Harmonic Concordance Flower Essence

Harmonic Concordance Flower Essences As a special introductory offer to the world of Flower Essences, we are very happy to offer Harmonic Concordance Flower Essences for only $1!

This combination Flower Essence has been specifically crafted to support and guide you through this auspicious event and the days that follow.

It has been put together by Star Essences and contains the following:


  • Balance and Stability (Habenaria Orchid) to make your transition smooth and easy.
  • High Frequency (Pleurothallis Orchid) to gently raise your energy frequency.
  • Freedom/Libertad (Maxillaria) to help you take full advantage of the new frequencies and use the gifts that you are given.
  • Navigator (Molle) to assist your navigation of the unknown.
  • Sugilite for healing
  • Echinacea Energy (Echinacea Purpurea) to strengthen and protect you.
  • One Heart (Epidendrum Cuscoense Orchid) to open your heart and connect with unconditional love.
  • Anchoring Light (Sobralia Dichotoma) to allow you to conduct and ground the energy.
You will receive a dropper bottle and are encouraged to take 5 - 7 drops under the tongue as many times as you are guided to do so during the days surrounding the Harmonic Concordance. Effects from the Harmonic Concordance may be felt for up to six months!
How can I obtain my Harmonic Concordance Flower Essences?

We invite you to complete the form below.

The cost is $1 for a 1oz bottle of Harmonic Concordance Flower Essences.
Please, one per customer. While supplies last.

Check the box below.
Your transaction will be confirmed by email.*

Harmonic Concordance Flower Essences

$1.00 each
 +$4.50 S&H

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*Note: The following pages and your financial institute's statement
will reflect payment made to Moon Money, our sister site.

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