Full Moon April 16, 2003 |
19:36  GMT | ||||
Can you think of a time in your life when it felt as if you were in complete alignment with the universe, when you seemed to be in the right place at the right time, when whatever you needed showed up effortlessly, when events flowed around you in a live choreograph? Can you get to that place at will? Can you live there all the time? Is this a dream that we share? This Full Moon we explore with you how to create living in that magical place, all the time. In a very real sense this is true prosperity, when our needs are met as they arise and we can have our lives be the way we desire in spontaneous flow with the universe. | |||||
Two years ago Cynthia and I went on a short vacation together to Catalina Island. We were there for three days and from the moment we met until the moment we parted we manifested every desire and every need being met, completely effortlessly. In a continuous flow we found seats being available, transport showing up, opportunities presenting themselves, magical happenings and profound rest and renewal. On our return we reflected on what we had done to create this, and want to share some of what we found. While much of what you are about to read may be familiar to you, we invite you to read it with an open mind and an open heart as if you are hearing it for the first time. | |||||
As our airplane set off we both spoke to each other what we would like to happen during our trip, from specific details to generalities. Everything we said came true, except one item that the other did not support fully. This tells us of the power of being clear on our intentions, and speaking them to someone else who is able to support them totally. It tells us of the power of coming from a place of truth and integrity, where it is possible to support one another and be true to your own values. Throughout the trip we were able to be in a light and playful place, creating with each other and also with the forces of the universe. We looked for win-win outcomes, where everybody gets what they want. We relaxed in the knowingness that what we wanted was coming our way, even if it didn’t look like it at that exact moment. We remained unattached to how or in what form our desires would manifest. We recognized when something that we had asked for showed up, gave thanks and accepted it. For a few hours we fell out of this magical place, when each triggered the other one’s stuff. We were triggering fear, judgment and not feeling worthy. The way out of this place was to speak our truth to each other, however uncomfortable or scary it was. Once we did that, we were back in a place of authenticity, coming from the heart, which immediately put us back at one with the universe. | |||||
The truth is that we are always in flow with the universe, with God or whatever we choose to name
the power that is bigger than each of us individually. We are always connected to the source,
we are always cherished and adored. Our thoughts and beliefs may tell us otherwise and habits
of forgetting run deep. We suggest partnering with another person who can remind you that you are
a precious unique being, who deserves everything of which your heart speaks. Tonight we remind
you that you are loved more than you can possibly imagine, and we support you in manifesting your
heart’s desires.
Thank you. |
The angel card that I drew in writing this article is entitled "Blessings". I invite you to read it.
It was also one of the cards we had drawn in Catalina!
(From the
Doreen Virtue "Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards" deck.)