Know that we cheer you on for making those choices that take extra effort. We are a community. Many blessings, Cynthia
Full Moon July 31, 2004 |
18:05 GMT | |||||||
Most of us have well established daily, weekly and even monthly routines which help smooth out our lives and make us more efficient. We get up at certain times, eat specific foods, follow well- traveled paths and think in predictable ways. Sometimes our routines are based on natural cycles and help to keep us in balance. Often they serve to make us feel comfortable, to keep our sphere of influence stable and secure in a world of change. Yet are any of us here to live ordinary lives? Do we aspire to ordinariness? We know that when we stay within the realm of the ordinary we leave no room for magic to enter. It is when we go beyond what we know, beyond what we can control and beyond what we can predict that we allow extraordinary things to happen. We invite you to recall times in your life when you went far beyond your comfort zone. If you are dancing in that space as you read these words, we celebrate and empower you. Has love taken you to the place where the world is enchanted and you can taste new possibilities in the air you breathe? Has sickness or loss forced you to change what you take for granted? Has a move or a new job made you challenge what you do every day? Has a new friend shown you a new world? Has an opportunity arisen which you grabbed by the horns and rode into unknown territory? Have you had an idea which you decided to follow wherever it takes you? Has your whole life changed in a single moment? Those times of change, whether we label them good
or bad, are doorways to new possibilities. Often they bring intense
and changing emotions, both uncomfortable and exhilarating. Sometimes
it is as if the changes are forced upon us against our wills. Sometimes
we feel we choose them, for better or for worse. And always we
can embrace them fully, to allow ourselves to be Fortunately, we don't have to step very far away from our routines
to allow the This is our world, this is our playground, this is the extraordinary moment that we have created for ourselves. We didn't do all of this just to sleep. We are here to seize the moment and make it dance. What is the most amazing thing that you have done today?