What times we are living in! The 2000 year old prophecy of the white buffalo has come to pass - AND right in our state of Arizona, AND her name is MIRACLE MOON! Here at Moon Meditations and Moon Money, we especially honor her presence and her offspring who are also white buffalos. This Full Moon blesses us with the connection we now have with Miracle Moon and the sacred ways she represents. Blessings of miracles, Cynthia
Full Moon September 28, 2004 |
13:09 GMT | ||||||||||||||
Generation upon generation, native and indigenous people around the world have been custodians of sacred ways. Before environmentalism, they lived as guardians of this precious jewel called earth. Before ecology, they practiced honoring all the elements of nature in their surroundings. Before species or habits or wetlands or parks or Gaia or green zones they knew the connectedness of everything from the smallest insect to the sun in the sky. Despite genocide, indoctrination, assimilation, ethnic cleansing and theft on a massive scale, many have been able to preserve their knowledge and practices to the present day.
If we choose to learn from native people, we need to have taken in what has gone before. We can come in innocence but not in ignorance.We can come in connectedness, but not to take. I say this to preface the announcement of an incredible gift we have been given. Recently I had the privilege of visiting four sacred white buffalo here in Arizona. In North America many of the Native American tribes have taught the sacredness of these beautiful animals. Different traditions have different legends. White buffalo are extremely rare, and are said to demonstrate the promise of a return to balance when the world has gone awry. Two of these white buffalo were born this year. They bring the gift of hope, that we can come back from the edge and return to balance; that we can live in connectedness and harmony; that we can live in peace with ourselves and with the whole planet. These are auspicious times. On behalf of our community, we have adopted the grandmother of these two calves. She is the original white buffalo of this small herd and is called Miracle Moon. She was born on 4/30/1997 and can be visited on www.SacredWhiteBuffalo.org. Spirit Mountain Ranch, where she lives, is seeking to buy adjoining land so that the herd can have a larger pasture. The adoption program is a fund-raiser, and if you feel drawn to do so we invite you to participate as well. We bring to you Miracle Moon, ours in shared adoption. She heralds the new future which we are all here to create and enjoy. We give thanks to all those who brought her to us, especially generation upon generation of Native American peoples who kept her alive through all the long years. May there be a Miracle for you in every Moon.