I just experienced the "Energy Transfer for Enlightenment" course offered by Hilary Bee this past weekend. It now truly feels that we are close to the transformation of this planet! It is absolutely the right time to consider your spiritual path. Participate now and lead the way! Many blessings, Cynthia |
Moon January 25, 2005 |
10:33 GMT | ||||||
"TIMES OF CHANGE" by Hilary Bee |
This coming year is a time of great change, both for us individually and for the entire human race. We are living a time of transition to a higher level of consciousness across the planet. We are moving towards finding a new balance in how we live together and how we interact with our environment. We are releasing what has gone before, all that has held us back and everything that no longer serves us. We are moving towards a way of life that honors each and every one of us, allows us to fulfill our potential and honors all living things. Deep within us, we have known that these times were coming. And now they are upon us. Just because we have longed for these times does not necessarily make them easy. Change can bring uncertainty, chaos and unfamiliarity. It can be shocking, it can be painful and it can make us question everything that we thought we knew. It can make us doubt ourselves, make us wonder what on earth is going on and make us think that we are moving in the opposite direction than where we want to go. It can bring new challenges. And it can seem to bring back old challenges that we thought were over. Change also gives us the opportunity to shine, to bring out the best in ourselves and to develop qualities that we never knew we had. How do we not lose ourselves in times of change? How do we know what to hold onto and what to let go? How do we know when to hold on and when to let go? How do we stay true to ourselves and at the same time respectful of others? How do we know the best place to be? How do we stay safe at the same time as staying open? How do we prepare for the tasks ahead? The answers to all these questions, and so much more, lie within. Listening to your heart, listening to your inner guidance, is the compass that will allow you to navigate these swirling waters. Within you is a profound knowingness that will tell you how to act and where to be, how to protect yourself and how to move on. Your heart can be your surest guide, for it is connected to your source and carries your deepest understanding. Some may question their ability to tune into their inner wisdom, and whether the voice they hear is the authentic voice of the heart or a false ego driven siren. There are many answers to this conundrum - pick the one that resonates best with you. First of all, you would not be reading these words if you did not have the ability to follow your inner wisdom. It has got you this far. Why doubt it now? Secondly, since your inner voice is already active, take the time to nurture it. Instead of looking for outside confirmation, why not follow it right or wrong? In other words, do yourself the service of following your heart without allowing your critical thinking to intervene. When you choose to ignore that critical voice, the heart speaks louder. It has the wisdom to make the necessary corrections and adjustments that may be needed along the way. So even if your hearing is imperfect, the very actions of listening and trusting will develop your abilities. So what if you make a mistake or two? It will become obvious when you have stepped off the path. Last of all, when you receive guidance, check where in your body it originates. Does it feel like its coming from your head, your heart or your genitals? Is it based in love, fear or greed? If the guidance feels like it is coming from your heart, if it feels like its loving and inclusive, then it is the authentic voice of your higher self. Pay particular attention to see if it is loving towards yourself. Your source, your higher self, always, always holds you in the greatest of love and respect. If the guidance is telling you to distance or separate yourself from someone else, again check to see if that message is coming from a loving place. There are times that the most loving thing that you can do for yourself and someone else is to place some distance between you. In times of change it is important to stay connected with those who remind you of the light that you carry, and those who bring out the best in you. These beings hold the space for you to listen to your inner wisdom. They help you deepen your connection to your source, remind you of who you are and of your aspirations. You do the same for them. Some of these may be friends and family, some may be writers, musicians, movie producers or public figures. Some may be animals, sacred spaces and beings from unseen worlds. You know who they are. They are your community and together we will navigate these times of change. Sending you blessings, as together we build a world that knows only love.