Hilary and I sat at a fabulous restaurant over a delicious healthy, gourmet meal when she first told me the "dream" she shares with you today. This dream's message is true for each of us in our own lives and circumstances, and perhaps we haven't thought about our power to create in this way before. What would you like from life's menu?? Order up! Many blessings, Cynthia
Full Moon October 28, 2004 |
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We are living in times of powerful transition, times more powerful than our individual intelligence can fathom. We have waited lifetimes for these precious days to come by in linear time. Here we are. Having waited for so long, are we going to sit in the back row and watch the action? While this is an option for some, you would not be reading these words if you were one of those people. You are intentionally here at this time. You are intentionally awake and paying attention. You have destined yourself to play a very active part in the transformation of consciousness that is now underway all around us. Some people are clear on what actions they need to take, others are waiting to hear. Each of us knows that the transformation of our own individual consciousness is a key ingredient. Each of us knows that listening to Higher Intelligence, and flowing with the wisdom of the universe is part of the calling. With so much happening all around us, we are learning to relax and trust the guidance that we are tuning into. Trying to do it on our own, or through our own willpower is a recipe for exhaustion and frustration. This month of October 2004 is bringing us what has been called "Harmonic Concordance II". Please read our article of 11/09/03 for information on the Harmonic Concordance. At the beginning of the month the heavens blessed us with a five star pentagram, and now we have another five star pentagram coinciding with the Full Moon of 10/27/04. There was a Solar Eclipse coinciding with the New Moon of 10/13/04, and now we have a Lunar Eclipse with the Full Moon. These astrological events show us a doorway that is wide open for us to walk through. You may have noticed that you are driven to actualize long cherished dreams and make them happen. You may feel a strong desire to move forward with your spiritual transformation. You may sense a stronger than ever determination to live in tune with divine inspiration, to transform your consciousness and release everything that is in the way of this coming about. Millions of people are feeling these stirring within their beings, and like you are taking action. Right on the heels of this Full Moon comes a Presidential Election in the USA, which has passions running high in many parts of the world. The previous Presidential Election in 2000, with its hotly contested results, led people to two totally opposite conclusions. Some people concluded that their vote does not count at all, while others concluded that the events of that fall showed that it is critical that each and every person votes and participates. We at Moon Meditations feel that it is important that each of us follows our heart, and takes the action that is congruent with our truth. This is a time for participation, not for standing by on the sidelines. We feel that each and every action that we take on a daily basis is profoundly spiritual. Voting in an election is as much a spiritual action as going to church, helping others or re-cycling our trash.
This dream was not just for me, it was for you too. The dream told me that Divine Consciousness wants us to have everything we desire, and is just waiting for us to ask. During the retreat I discovered that Divine Consciousness takes great delight in giving us what we want and is there to serve us from the "smallest" to the "biggest" ways. We just need to ask. We can even ask to be shown what is available. We can ask for the self-esteem or courage to ask. We can ask for the blocks in the way of us knowing and asking to be removed. Whatever words we choose to use, whether it is God, whether it is Nature, whether that power is within ourselves, whether it is The Light, these representations of universal intelligence and connectedness want us to be fulfilled, happy, and whole and to have everything that is in our hearts to have. How cool is that? Ask, ask and ask again! Sometimes it feels like there is so much happening that we get dizzy. Here are some tips that may help. Remember to breathe, deeply and consciously. Go with the flow, don't force it. Listen to your Higher Self, or your Divine Guidance. Ask Divine Intelligence for everything that you want. Speak as you would to your best friend, say everything that is in your being to say. Pray for the highest outcomes in the election. Move from dreams to action. Do what feels right. Rest and breathe some more. Reference: COPYRIGHT