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Full Moon
November 9, 2003
  1:13  GMT
"Harmonic Concordance the Lunar Eclipse"

By Amy Ford

People love to name things. Appellation empowers its subject. To dub is to supercharge with an element of magic. Astrology is the interpretation of planetary placements and their relationships. Certain geometric interconnections create specific patterns, shapes and designs.
The Lunar Eclipse on November 9, 2003 has a strong configuration of aspects known as the Grand Sextile
Solar and Lunar eclipses happen at least twice a year. An eclipse is notable enough by itself. The ancients gave eclipses a lot of importance. The astrological chart of an eclipse is noteworthy. It speaks volumes about what the powerfully charged energy potential of this type of moment brings. The eclipse on November 9, 2003 has a strong configuration of aspects known as the Grand Sextile. This pattern creates a Star of David. A six pointed star is a beautiful vision. In cosmic geometry it represents the joining of the masculine and feminine as earth and air.

Aspects in astrology occur due to the interconnection of planets. Astrology is the placement and mathematical angular relationships between heavenly bodies. We must take into consideration the planets involved in this grand sextile configuration as well as the signs and elements they are in. The grand sextile always takes place between compatible elements. This one is composed of the three earth signs forming a grand trine interwoven with the three water signs forming a second grand trine, thus creating a six pointed star.

Planetary alignments come and go. In the last decade we have seen the Harmonic Convergence of August of 1987, the Cosmic Stampede, a line up in Taurus in May of 2000 and now the Harmonic Concordance coming in with the Lunar Eclipse November 9, 2003. This auspicious lunar eclipse will take place at 16° Taurus. In August 1999 the Solar Eclipse chart encompassed a Grand Square. The Grand Square is the herald of chaos. I don?t think any of you want to argue with me on this one.

Harmonic Concordance Lunar Eclipse Copyright Amy Ford Eclipses set a tone for the coming period of time, generally six months, until the next set of eclipses. Some of us are still trying to shake off the energy of the 1999 square. No wonder many are relieved and ready to rejoice with the lovely Grand Sextile energy of the Star of David. This configuration deserves the name, ?Harmonic Concordance?. We are all more than ready to experience a shift of energy that this fortuitous shape brings. The Star of David is composed of two Grand Trines in harmonious elements. This coming grouping of six heavenly bodies is within a six degree orb of separation including the swift Moon and Sun. Note: The centaur Chiron is used in this mapping.*
*Not all honor this rogue as a planet so keep this in mind. Some will say the aspect does not exist if the players are not all major leaguers. I?ll give this one an ok and allow Chiron to be a part of it. Chiron has been called the rainbow bridge and is thought of as the usher of the new age!

Earth / Water Triplicities of the Elements Copyright Amy Ford November?s Lunar Eclipse has two Grand Trines in the Feminine elements of Earth and Water. This gives a strong marker for the re-birthing of the divine feminine. Many are focusing on honoring the feminine in themselves as well as the Earth Goddess. This is a good time to honor your mother and her mother and her mother. Honor the receptive side of yourself. Give selflessly to others and open up to abundant gifts coming in to you. Take time to reflect, after all that is what a full moon is all about.

The Water Element Grand Trine has Saturn, an earth element planet who represents contractive energy and structure, almost midway through the sign of Cancer at 13°. This is a strange realm for Saturn and he is just getting used to the currents and feelings of the sign of Cancer. The Sun, the center of our system who represents will and vitality is at 16° Scorpio. Scorpio is the transformer, and heralds great change. Mars, who represents desire and drive is at 10° Pisces. Pisces is intuitive and sometimes nebulous energy. The Sun and Mars are fire and masculine by nature steaming up the waters of the signs they are in.

The compatible Grand Trine in the Earth Element is composed of the eclipsing Moon at 16° Taurus. The moon represents emotions and receptivity. Luna, water by nature is exalted in the earth sign of Taurus. Taurus represents values and accruement. Jupiter is fire and symbolizes good fortune. He is expansive by nature. Jupiter is the quest for higher knowledge. This eclipse chart places Jupiter at 14° Virgo. Earthy Virgo helps us to discern and is service to the world. The third angle of this trine is the once comet Chiron at 14° Capricorn. In Greek mythology he is the divinator, the healer, teacher and happens to be wounded.

Triplicities of the Elements Copyright Amy Ford Besides the elements of water and earth being represented by the signs involved in this grand sextile, each planet has an elemental nature. There are earth and water as well as several of the fire planets. The missing component in this formula is air. Air is thought, communication, and truth. This is the part that we with our free will bring into this particular spread of energy. What is going on in our minds will greatly effect the outcome of this potency. If the element of spirit is air, then that is the part of ourselves we must place into this cosmic event. Many are planning to participate in an OM at the time of the lunation. A good choice using the air of voice and the focus of spirit to work as the missing element.

To truly understand an eclipse?s personal effect, you must know where it touches your own natal astrology. Look at your own birth chart and notice what effect 16° Taurus has upon it. You can make a birth chart for free on the web at .

Many believe this cosmic event is another step in the prophecies of the Maya as well as other cultures leading us towards the portal of 2012. If this is so, the Lunar Eclipse of November 9, 2003 is a doorway to pass through. We must make the choice to move one step closer towards the next dimension. Free will has such a big hand in all this. It is up to you as an individual and the group consciousness as to what the outcome will be.
Use your breath, voice and spirit to connect with the energy of the eclipse to call in positive change into your life.
Think of all the positive ways you can work with the element of air to be the fourth element completing the balance of the moment of the eclipse. Use your breath, voice and spirit to connect with the potent and transformative energy of the eclipse to call in positive change into your life. Let go, and let the greater.

It is with love that I bring you these musings. Should you be seeking information as to how the current Astrological occurrences affect you personally, please feel free to contact me for a consultation. I am available by phone or in person. Mention you read this and receive a discount. Send me an email to be added to my list and receive complementary Astrologic information.

Blessings, Amy Ford

Amy Ford Amy Ford is a Musician, Astrologer, Reiki Master and Invincible Music Recording Artist in Scottsdale, AZ., who performs with her band Tribe of 2 and offers Illumination through Astrological Consultation, Music, EnCHANTment, Drumming, Tarot Readings & Honoring the Elements through Ceremony, Healing & Blessings.

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