I have lived through the highlights of the words that follow, and may I make a recommendation? The "Communication Flower Essence" offered at the end of the article will make your communicating process so much easier and clearer. A simple solution of support to you, for a very reasonable investment. Many blessings of understanding and being understood, Cynthia
Full Moon November 26, 2004 |
20:07 GMT | ||||||
In these times of transformation, no-one is being left behind. The transformation isn't just for "people like us", for people we like, for people we get along with, people we agree with and people we know. It is not just for the good people, the worthy people, the nice people, or the open-minded people. We are all to be transformed, we are all to be uplifted, we are all to raise our vibration and we are all to find a new way to be together. We have all chosen to be here at this time, to participate in this adventure together and to bring in a new reality. Each and every one of us is worthy, and each and every one of us is vital to the whole. A key element to this entire happening is the way in which we communicate with each other. In the USA we have just been through a bitterly contested election which saw new levels of voter participation and keenly opposing viewpoints. There seemed to be a huge divide between very different world views. The opposing sides each seemed to despise or ridicule the other, as if the other viewpoint was not even worthy of serious consideration. This played out not only in the media, but also in our homes, our neighborhoods, our families and our workplaces. It seemed as if we were two warring factions. In the wake of the election outcome, you may have noticed a new phenomenon emerging. It seems as if a great deal of soul-searching is taking place, especially amongst those who "lost". Those people are looking deeply at what they did, what they stand for, how they express themselves and how they communicate with those who do not agree with them. They realize that what they did was insufficient. They realize that they underestimated the "other side", and that they need to transform their approach. Their new approach will need to include listening to the other side as never before. It is not enough to just block out the opposing views, or to attempt to convince from a position of knowing better. There is a movement emerging that has to do with taking in the other person at a much deeper level, opening up in a new way that is compassionate and loving, and taking on their concerns. The start of a transformation of the very nature of politics is taking place. For those who "won" at the polls, a different but parallel process is taking place. This group swept the board and looks set to have control over all three branches of government. Suddenly there is the possibility of having everything they wanted. They have the opportunity to see their wish lists implemented without interference from the "other side". After the euphoria, there comes the weight of the responsibility for the outcome. The justification of blaming the other side has evaporated. There are no excuses and no exits. Instead of being part of the government, they are the whole government. And the whole necessarily contains the part. In the very scope of their victory lies a paradox. While the external voices of dissent have been severely muted, those same voices are arising internally. What they have excluded is arising within. They too are at the beginning of a profound transformation, a transformation which requires the understanding of "the other" from within. Worldwide this issue is on the agenda. How do we resolve disputes without resorting to violence? How do we honor, respect and listen to people whose opinions we consider to be totally wrong? How do we express our own viewpoints to people who reject them? How do we honor ourselves in this process, when our viewpoints are rooted in deeply held beliefs? How do we get heard by those who disagree? How do we use our power responsibly? How do we persuade others to use their power responsibly? How do we communicate across the chasm of difference? If we had the answers, we wouldn't need to be talking about this. This is the evolutionary point that we have reached, and now is the time for us to find the answers. Between us, the answers will come. The time is ripe. There are many highly gifted people around the world working on these exact issues as you read this, coming up with ingenious ideas and solutions. Some of them are already being implemented. The shift is not going to come from them alone. Each and every one of us has a part to play, a contribution to make and a piece of the puzzle. Between us we will find the answers. Now is the time. What do you think? What is your vision? We need what you have to say. Your input is vital to the whole. The way you talk to your family and your friends, to colleagues and to strangers and even to yourself is groundbreaking. Let's break ground together. The times of transformation are upon us. |