I thought about how the emotion of fear holds us back from our Good, and how unnecessary that it. Another example of fear came up for me personally after I made the decision to run this article - I'm not exempt! By the way - the lawn, now in its maturity, looks full, green and healthy! And, I feel supported about how I met my own fear example. I intend the same to you. Many blessings, Cynthia |
Moon February 24, 2005 |
4:55 GMT | ||||||
"There's Nothing To Be Afraid Of" by Cynthia Peden |
Have you ever heard that expression - "there's nothing to be afraid of"? Perhaps it was spoken lovingly by your mother holding you tight, your father teaching you to ride a bicycle, a teacher encouraging you to stretch your skills, a friend knowing your capabilities, an employer asking you to take on more responsibilities. I thought about this phrase today. Long and hard. I made the investment of grass seed, mulch and hours of preparation to prepare the spoil for a vibrant, green lawn for the winter. I shopped for these supplies and worked days getting the soil ready to produce a lush, velvet layer of green to enjoy the next six months. After spreading all the seed and watering the earth, I went inside to relax. I soon heard a loud commotion in my yard and went outside to see what was going on! A sea of birds had covered the yard - I couldn't even see the ground. When they saw me come out into the yard, they flew up and away in a wave. Their fear was protecting my planting efforts. I decided to use that instinct to my advantage and hung the empty mulch sacks from string in the branches of a tree right above the ground. The slightest movement of air caused the large bags to sway over the ground. I have not had birds eat my grass seed since! I've been thinking... these birds are afraid of nothing that can actually hurt them. They are afraid of an empty plastic bag! That's what fear is - a NO thing. What is keeping us from realizing our full potential? Is it just an "empty bag"? Is it a shadow in a darkened room that reveals NOthing when we turn on the light? Is it a sound we can not identify? Is it a fear we might fail? Let's face a fear this moon cycle and overcome it. Take a step into the unknown and move forward out of the "comfort zone" of day-to-day life. Try something new, take a risk, relax into the feeling of knowing you are safe. Do you have a great idea for a business, but afraid to take steps to bring it to the marketplace? Are you working at a job that no longer brings you satisfaction, and you remain out of fear of looking for something new? Are opportunities waiting for you in another city and you afraid to make the move? Know that you are guided and protected...
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