03/03/04 makes a completed year for www.moonmeditations.com and we are celebrating our anniversary! This most certainly has been a year of transformation and many changes, all focused forward. Big steps. The higher energies that guide this project have directed us individually, personally, to realize a much greater vision for our intentions of global Prosperity. For the project to grow, we needed to grow also. Ouch. Perhaps you have experienced a leap forward in your own Prosperity consiousness. I trust you have, and that you are much closer to the life you truly deserve. Many blessings, Cynthia |
Moon March 6, 2004 |
06:23  GMT | |
Moon Meditations is celebrating its first anniversary! Thank you for being part of our lives, we consider each and every visitor a welcome guest. Even if this is your first visit, we truly appreciate your precious time and attention. By connecting to us, by reading these words we touch each other in a very real way. To those of you who have been visiting us regularly we offer our heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for sharing in our vision and sharing in our world. We launched Moon Meditations on 3/3/03 on the New Moon. We now come a full circle to the Full Moon of 3/6/04. How has this year been for you? Where were you a year ago? Have you also been on the path of transformation, of manifesting your dreams? We take the liberty of assuming that this is true for most of you, since this is such a central part of our site. What changes have you seen? What steps have you taken on your soulís journey? Have we been part of your path? At Moon Meditations we dream big. We dream of prosperity and hope for each and every person on the planet. We dream of each of us realizing our full potential. We dream of an end to human suffering. We dream of a world where every person, every animal, every plant, and every inch of ground is treated as being very precious and special. We dream of each person being cherished, adored and appreciated. We dream of the end of waste and want. We dream of living in balance and harmony with our natural world. What are your dreams? We rejoice whenever any one of us fulfills their heartís desires, on whatever scale. For us this has been a year of transformation, and we have only just begun. The year ahead looks very bright. Expect to see wonderful changes and transformation on our websites www.moonmediations.com and www.moonmoney.com. Please excuse us for any hiccoughs along the way! We plan to bring you many more tools and support for manifesting your dreams. Tonight our guides are asking us to share some thoughts with you. They are lovingly saying that its time to let go of small thinking and allow ourselves to feel worthy of having what it is our souls long for. They want each of us to know that we are loved and supported more than we can comprehend. They ask us to have faith that what we have prayed for will manifest. They advise us to focus on our dreams throughout the day, from morning to night and keep our thoughts on what we desire rather than on what we fear. They ask us to follow our inner guidance, to look for signs that we are on the right track and not to be afraid to ask for help. We would love to hear from you! If these words evoke a response, please email us. You can contact Cynthia through cp@moonmoney.com and Hilary through Hilary@moonmeditations.com. We wish you a blessed year ahead, full of exciting changes, wonderful happenings, dreams manifesting and fun and laughter along the way. Thank you for spending time with us. |
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Learn more about Hilary Bee and you may read her past articles in our archive . If you have questions, or would like to better understand your meditation experience, treat yourself to an Akashic Record Reading with Hilary. | |
![]() Transformation Flower Essences Blend for our guests to enjoy! Click Here for this incredible gift at a very special price. |
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