by Hilary Bee
Many people
who are pursuing a spiritual path wonder what is their life ís
purpose and whether they are on track with fulfilling it. When I do
Akashic Record readings, these questions come up again and again. I
have asked these questions myself, about my own life. They are profound
and beautiful questions, revealing that many of us feel that our lives
are about service, contribution and making a difference. There are countless
people from all walks of life, in every society who hold a strong vision
of a better world, a better way to be, and a better way to live. At
Moon Meditations we count ourselves among those people. One of the purposes
of this site is to connect us together and help us manifest those visions
into reality. As a community we have a strong sense of the kind of world
we wish to live in, and know that we are here to bring this about.
Sometimes the task ahead seems too huge and overwhelming. Sometimes
we get caught up in our daily concerns and forget the big picture of
why we are here. And many times we doubt ourselves, wondering whether
what we are doing is on track, whether we are doing the right thing,
whether we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. Here are some
thoughts to address your questions.
Several years ago I went to a talk given by Sister Helen Prejean (author
of Dead Man Walking), and a teenager in the audience asked her a great
question. The young woman wanted to know where to start in making a
difference and being of service. Sister Helen told her just to put her
hand on the rope and get started somewhere, with whatever opportunity
arose and with what she felt drawn to. She said that once started, the
teenager would be guided as to where to go next. How simple and how
liberating! You don't need to have it figured out to get started, you
just need to get going! In order to be given the fine tuning and input
from our guides, we need to be in motion rather than sitting and waiting.
As we move and act, opportunities will be presented to us, we will meet
people and have experiences that form us. None of this is casual or
So the first message is that you can't go wrong! As long as you put
your heart and best effort into what you are drawn to, as long as you
act in integrity and good intentions, then you are making a difference
in this world. You will receive guidance, opportunities and information
as you do this.
Another message is to do what you do best, contribute your best skills
and do what fulfills you. Again this is very simple. If you are enjoying
what you are doing, if it feels good and satisfies you, then you are
on the right track. Some of us confuse duty with service. Duty is full
of oughts and shoulds, and feels like a burden. We are also here to
enjoy ourselves! We serve so much better when what we are doing is a
joy and pleasure to us. Then we radiate light and love, we are in flow
with the universe and people enjoy interacting with us. If what you
are doing is not a joy or no longer a joy, then you need to examine
how you can change that.
Lastly, do not overlook what you may consider to be insignificant acts,
which somehow donít match up with your global vision. Your smile
to a stranger, you taking time to say "Thank you" in a heartfelt
way, you signing a petition, you spending all your energy on raising
conscious children, these are contributions that make more difference
than you will ever know. All the experiences you have had, all the work
you have done on yourself, all the paths you have traveled are important
and significant. The simple act of you being here, feeling what you
feel, thinking the thoughts that you think, radiating the love and light
that are in your heart are powerful gifts. Do not doubt yourself. Be
the best that you can be. These are powerful times. The planet needs
you more than you can know.