Many blessings, Cynthia |
Moon April 24, 2005 |
10:07 GMT | |||||||
Amazingly, for the second year in a row Wesak Full Moon is accompanied by a lunar eclipse. The Full Moon of 4/24/05 opens a door for special blessings for us all. The annual festival of Wesak takes place this weekend, in celebration of Buddha's life and Enlightenment. At this time it is said that Buddha returns to earth together with Christ and the Spiritual Masters to shower us with blessings. People of all spiritual paths come together for spiritual renewal and rededication. Passover is celebrated from the evening of 4/23/05 in both Jewish and some Christian traditions. At this time we are offered the opportunity to align with our soul's purpose and dedicate ourselves to service for the greatest good of all. Our earth plane is flooded with love and compassion, enabling us to have divine love infused permanently within each cell of our bodies. The greatest service that we can be at this time is to raise our vibration, to raise our level of consciousness and allow our spiritual transformation to unfold. We do this by opening ourselves to infinite love and compassion, and allowing those energies to work within us. The Wesak ceremony, as it is conducted in the Wesak Valley in Tibet, includes a water ceremony where each being present partakes of blessed water. This water assists in the conduction of the divine energies into our physical forms. Have you noticed the increasing awareness of the sacred role of water in our lives? Over and over again we are being drawn to deeper understandings of the transformative power of water. Notice how your relationship to water is becoming increasingly sacred. This is the Age of Aquarius and you are the water carrier. You are an instrument of transformation, bringing higher vibration and higher consciousness to people everywhere. We invite you as you celebrate this Full Moon, to include gratitude and appreciation for the element of water. The blessings of Wesak include the offering of divine love for our transformation. In these times of transcendence and new possibility, we are shifting to a new paradigm whereby we learn through love instead of through pain. Remember the phrase "No pain, no gain"? Those words and words of that kind are becoming obsolete. We no longer need to undergo pain and suffering in order to grow. Suffering will become a thing of the past, a distant memory. Then how we will continue to learn and grow? Through love and compassion! That's a great idea, but how do we get there? Suffering is still a daily reality for most people. Here are a few pointers to help shift into the new paradigm. Before you read these next words, take a breath and open yourself as if hearing them for the first time: *Acknowledge your suffering instead of trying
to deny or escape it. Allow yourself to admit it and feel it.
It contains the seeds of transformation. We join you in opening ourselves to the transformative
power of unconditional love and compassion. We honor all paths
to oneness. |