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We would like to share with you what happened this week at our water blessing ceremony!



7/26/05 Water Blessing Report

Arizona FallsI just rinsed some fresh, sweet blueberries under running water, washed my dishes in warm sudsy water, I have a load of clothes washing in the washing machine, I am quenching my thirst with a bottle of cool pure drinking water, and that's all happening right now! I couldn't even keep count of how many times a day I use and notice water. You?

Yesterday seven of us met at a perfect spot in Central Phoenix, an oasis in the heat of the desert, to join with others around the world to thank the water. First, thank you Dr. Masaru Emoto for the dynamic work you do uncovering the secrets of water. Thank you to the group who attended our ceremony and those who joined with us in spirit. Thank you to those who sent their words for us to read, including our friend Nathalie from the Netherlands.

Arizona FallsWe meditated with the thunder of water falling around us on three sides, felt the cooling mist on our skin, and truly appreciated the gift of water, not to be taken for granted. We felt at one with Nature and our global community,

Dr. Emoto began an annual event, but we can thank the water every
day. He reminds us to say simply:
I love you, Water,
I thank you, Water,
I respect you, Water.


Our prayer is for gentle rains,
plentiful, pure clean water
healing, cleansing, mysteries of water
circulating in our bodies for all good purposes


Many blessings,

Cynthia and Hilary


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