*Prior to beginning the ceremony - create your sacred space.
Find a place inside or outside that feels good to you and where there is room to move. I like to use the ritual of the Native American Medicine Wheel and set a candle or sacred object in each of the four directions - east, south, west and north with a bowl or fire pit in the center of the circle. Using a smudge stick of sage or sweetgrass I walk the circle (always in a clockwise rotation and never walking counter clockwise) smudging the space. Smudging is a sacred Native American ritual which transmutes negative energy in the aura to positive energy and is always used prior to ceremony. After smudging the sacred space, smudge yourself and/or the other participants if there are any. No one should ever enter the sacred space without having been smudged.
*To begin the ceremony, always enter the circle from the east and always walk clockwise.
In the Native American tradition, the direction of the east is the place where Spirit enters. We acknowledge by doing so that everything is of Spirit first and foremost. The east also symbolizes the cycle in life of spring, new beginnings, infancy and is celebrated through the transformative element of fire. As you walk the circle stop at each direction invoking the presence of the spirits and inviting them into the sacred circle. Acknowledge the power and "medicine" of each direction. In the true tradition, tobacco or cornmeal is sprinkled at each direction as a "give away" in gratitude for the gifts that are brought forth during the ceremony and the assistance of the spirits. (South - the place of emotions, the time of adolescence in the cycle of life and symbolized by the element of water; West - the place of the physical, the time of adulthood, the season of fall, symbolized by the element of earth; North - the place of the mind, the place of the elders and the sharing of wisdom, the season of winter, the element of air symbolized by the feather.)
*Choose a spot in the circle to sit and relax.
Prior to the ceremony make a list of all the things in your life that you want to release and all of the people whom you want to forgive and whom you seek forgiveness from. This may take some time and I would suggest being very thorough with this. It can be something as deep seated as an estranged spouse or parent to something as simple as anger at the person who cut you off in traffic, but acknowledge as many as you can think of. On the first time, this process may take awhile and may invoke some emotions so allow yourself the time and the opportunity to truly feel the emotions so that they may be released. If you choose to do this while in the circle it can be a powerful experience. If you are doing the ceremony with others, it is usually best to instruct each person to do this prior to the ceremony so that they have time to fully experience it.
*Once this is complete, allow yourself time to meditate and truly go within.
There are many other things you can add to the ceremony as your spirit guides you (such as singing, drumming, sharing stories, etc.). These are all good venues for releasing and may help facilitate the experience. If sharing stories or talking use a "talking stick" which allows each person the opportunity to speak without being interrupted and in which they are honored by each participant.
*After a sharing period, allow each person to walk the circle (clockwise) and to offer their list into the fire in the center of the circle. (The center of the circle symbolizes the place of Great Spirit - Waken Tonka.)
Make a verbal confirmation to the universe of that which you choose to release, such as, "I now choose to release ___________", then making a positive affirmation of that which you choose to embody, such as "I now choose to embody peace, harmony and unconditional love." If others are present it is very powerful to have each person make an affirmation for the person releasing. If doing the ceremony alone, you may want to spend time journaling and creating some positive affirmations for yourself and read and re-read them daily to invoke the power.
*When the releasing and affirming is complete if there is a need to verbally share experiences with others you can do so at this time (once again with the talking stick), or use any other rituals that may seem appropriate and special to you and add them to the ceremony.
*When the ceremony is complete it is necessary to walk the Medicine Wheel once again, honoring each direction, giving thanks and gratitude to the spirits for the gifts which have been brought forth and release them from the circle. Ask each participant to walk clockwise when leaving the sacred circle.
This ceremony is just one example of how a releasing/forgiveness ceremony can take place as it is not mandatory to do it in this fashion. I have found the fire to be a significant symbol in release work, however, I would invite each person to create ceremonial rituals that are sacred and meaningful to them and to use them to cleanse and purify your spirit on a routine basis. Just as we cleanse the outside of our body, our minds, our spirits, our auras and our energy field need to be purified from time to time as the energy we carry with us does effect what manifests in our life physically.
In order to express our true Divine nature we must take a spiritual inventory and release the energy and situations which hold us captive and hinder us from experiencing our highest and best in every way. After we empty ourselves, we wait in the Great Mystery of the Void for the vision and we walk through the fire of Truth, transcending the darkness into light, and allowing the light to illumine us and express to the universe the beauty and reality of who we are. Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun expressing a beauty that would not otherwise be seen, just as the Phoenix rises from the ashes of death to be reborn, just as Jesus demonstrated the ability to transcend illusion by aligning with Truth, each one of us is called to be resurrected from darkness by allowing the light to illumine our weaknesses, our fears, our illusions. As we courageously walk through the flame, we ARE transcended, illumined, empowered and resurrected. We are home and we are grateful.