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New Moon

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New Moon
April 1, 2003
19:19  GMT
by Hilary Bee
Darkness, New Moon. Springtime or maybe autumn. April Fool’s Day. War, terrorism, death. Sunshine,
darkness birds singing. The smell of seasons changing. Terrible images on the TV. Ordinary life continuing. So much happening on the outside. What’s happening on the inside?
The New Moon is an opportunity to look deep within ourselves. Look inside and what do we see? A swirl of different emotions? Numbness? Outrage? In the past month since the last New Moon, what range of feelings have we experienced, how have our lives changed, how has the world changed? Let us allow ourselves to feel it all, to acknowledge it all, to honor it all. Let us be kind and generous to ourselves, and let go of self-criticism. If we have felt shock and grief, let us sit with them rather than try to dismiss them. feel If we have felt anger and rage, let us allow ourselves to own them and know them as friends. If we have felt indifferent, numb or cold, if we have felt deep peace and hope, if we have felt every emotion that we can feel, let us be generous with them all. Our emotions are clothes that can we put on and take off in minutes. As we claim them and see them for what they are, we contact the deeper currents in our lives. In doing so we claim our humanity, we make our internal world a safe place as we make peace with ourselves. As we honor ourselves, we interact with the external world in a profoundly expansive way.
These are divisive times, where emotions are running high and beliefs can color the way we see each other. At MoonMeditations we too have seen strong reactions to words that we have put out. As we allow the expression of feelings within ourselves, let us also be generous with the feelings of others. Let us find the space within ourselves to hear and feel the opinions and viewpoints of others, to honor hear and respect those with whom we disagree. Let us together seek ways of expression and interaction that are respectful even when we are on opposite poles. Let us take responsibility not only for our own feelings, but also for the quality of our interactions and how we are heard. Let us not wait for the other party to straighten out, or dismiss them in self-righteousness. We need each other, in all our differences. Ultimately our connectedness far outweighs our dissimilarities.
This New Moon, we honor our feelings, our emotions and all the places we have traveled internally and externally this past month. We encourage expression of those feelings in respectful ways, including drawing, writing, singing, dancing, dreaming and speaking. honor We honor the feelings of all other beings, including those with whom we strongly disagree. We pay tribute to all those who have lost their lives and lost loved ones in this period, especially those who have died in combat and in violence. Our thoughts and love go out to you this New Moon. As the seasons change, as the world turns, we are with you.
Love, Hilary
If you find Hilary's article meaningful to you, may I suggest some ways to use it in a beneficial way:

* If you are in a group, the article could be used as a topic for a discussion. What feelings have come up for the participants of the group in the last month? If there is a possibility of divisiveness, set ground rules for participating. Allow each person to share their thoughts without interruption or criticism. Have you used a "Talking Stick?" The person holding a special object (like a stick) has "the floor." The stick is then passed to the next person, until the circle is complete and everyone has had an opportunity to speak if they wish.

* If you are alone, feel what emotions and thoughts come to you. Express what you are feeling through your own creative outlet, like journaling, art, or a physical activity (when I'm angry I can vacuum my floors in no time!)

Many Blessings, Cynthia

note: Hilary was inspired by the "Divine Guidance" angel card for this article. This is one card chosen from the set by
Doreen Virtue --"Healing With the Angels".

You may wish to have your own set for guidance
and to use in your meditations.

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