by Hilary Bee
This New Moon at the beginning of May falls on May Day.
May Day has a long tradition of
community celebration, which can be traced back to pagan times in Europe. In many countries
these celebrations continue, and have evolved over time to include labor and workers solidarity.
With the New Moon falling on May Day, we are invited to explore the inner and deeper meanings of this day.
The common theme within these different traditions is that May Day has been a day claimed by ordinary
people for celebration and defiance of norms. Over the years people have gathered together on this day
to welcome in the spring, joyously express their sexuality and fertility, defy authority, and demonstrate
their combined strength as workers.
May Day has strong overtones of license, breaking free of constraints
and joyful festivity. In many countries these customs continue, despite attempts over the years by religious
or secular authorities to suppress them. Maybe you will be joining in or witnessing one of these occasions
yourself today. Across the globe May Day will be marked with taking over the streets for dancing, singing,
marching, demonstrations, carousing and an expression of the power of ordinary people.
In addition to these expressions on the outside, the New Moon invites us to look within.
Sitting quietly at the end of the day, take time to seek out what within you yearns to be celebrated and set free.
What constraints do you have on your life that you long to be free from? What healthy aspects of yourself
do you feel you have to suppress to fit in? How can you find self-expression, and break free from constraints
while still honoring other people? Are there important aspects of yourself that can only find expression in
community with others? Do you allow enough space in your life for celebration and abandonment to yourself?
As you meditate on these and other questions that come to you on this May Day New Moon, you might not
find immediate answers. Asking the questions, sitting with the questions, being with the questions in itself
opens the door to new possibilities.
This New Moon we join you in opening the door to new possibilities in
your life, beyond the constraints that usually contain you. Allow your inner wisdom to speak to you on this
special night. Take the time to listen to your quiet inner voice. Enjoy!