I've been watching a Public Television series observing modern-day "time
travelers" recreate life and community in the year 1628. My thoughts
are that we are so genuinely disconnected from our Natural world, that
most of us would fail in a similar challenge. Is it even important or necessary
to acknowledge Nature in our present world? If yes, where do we begin?
Could we see a positive change in our relationship to the Natural environment
with simply a shift in our our attitudes and actions? Many blessings, Cynthia
New Moon June 17, 2004 |
20:27 GMT | |||||||||||||
This New Moon we invite you to reconnect
with nature and the beauty of the world around you. Tonight while the Moon
is dark and the stars are at their brightest, take the time to step
outside and speak your heart's desires to the listening universe. Speak until your
soul is empty of words to say and dreams to share. Remember to include in
your prayers your deepest wishes for the earth and all the life forms she
supports. We are being called anew to honor, treasure and respect all the
gifts and bounty of this planet.
Most of us live our lives as if we are somehow separate from the natural world. We treat nature as a resource to be used for our convenience. Each day whole species become extinct. At the same time we make more appealing species into cute ornaments for our entertainment. Industrialized societies, by their very nature, are founded on treating nature as a commodity. To live in these societies and to engage in them on a daily basis involves deep compromises even for conscious people. We cannot continue to live in separation. When we think of how much needs to be done to bring our lives into balance with nature, the enormity of the task can seem overwhelming. Yet simple steps remain within our grasp. The cycles of the moon offer a powerful way to connect with the earth and the wider universe. The Moon connects the rhythms of the earth with the rhythms of our bodies and links us to the universe beyond. Each cycle is an opportunity to start afresh, to see what we have accomplished and set new goals. We can celebrate, we can forgive, we can learn our lessons and we can move on. Tonight we invite you to decide on one thing that you can do over the coming month to show your love and gratitude for Mother Earth. You could pick up trash whenever you see any. You could send a donation to your favorite environmental group. You could save water by putting a brick in your toilet tank. You could buy only free range eggs or meat. You could bless and thank everything you eat and drink. Choose something that you do not do already, and something that you know you can fulfill. It may seem small or insignificant in the context of what remains to be done. Yet each act of love joins every other act of love to build a new reality. Each act of love empowers us and shapes our consciousness, enabling us to take the next step with ease and grace. The Moon has watched over us throughout our lives. She is our witness and our conscience, reminding us of a larger context beyond our corner of reality. She listens to our hopes, our prayers, our intentions and our thoughts. Whatever we have put out to her, she reflects back to us. Tonight let us include her in our thoughts and intentions, that she might watch over a world that is returning to balance through conscious acts and loving hands. Let us thank her for her place in each of our lives. We thank you for your time in reading these words. We would love to hear what you choose to do this month to honor the earth. To write to us, click here.