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New Moon

New Moon
June 29, 2003
18:39  GMT
by Mackenzie Jordan
What seeds will you be planting during this New Moon? Remember that all your words and intentions are seeds that grow into something. What will you grow with your language: gold or garbage? If you plant carrots you won't sow potatoes, right? However, that's exactly what we expect when we use standard habits like saying what we don't want as if that will deliver us what we do want.
What you say is a binding contract. You become, or grow, precisely what you pay your attention to. What you judge, worry about, fear, praise, appreciate or love, grows like a sprout leaning to the sunlight.
Say What You Love is simply an acknowledgment of what you love -- unconditionally -- without justification, reservation, or argument. There are no certain things you should or should not love. In fact, "shoulding" is part of what I call anti-creating (trying to manifest things using negativity, worry, problem solving, etc.), it's neither love or loving. You won't have to figure out what you love. What you love simply is. Go ahead and notice. Simply be a reporter of what you love. Your mind is wired to answer directly to you. So, rather than asking questions like, "What's wrong with me?" for which you will receive countless and useless answers that you will then feel compelled to fix, instead ask "I wonder what I love now?" Your mind then has to go to work to bubble up that information for you.
By Saying What You Love, you bypass a considerable amount of hassle surrounding getting your authentic needs met. Navigating life simply flows a lot easier when you acknowledge and Say What You Love. Things you love manifest in grace, peacefully.
Saying What You Love (SWYL) sends out a high-voltage energy charge that is infinitely more powerful than saying what you need, want or desire. Say What You Love is distinct from the use of affirmations, positive thinking and goal-setting. If these methods were not successful for you in the past, don't be surprised. Used properly they can be awesome. But no doubt one particular ingredient was missing in past failed attempts --one that is key to a vision or goal coming to fruition. The ingredient is: Acknowledging and Saying What You Love. Saying What You Love is also different from saying what you want or need, which send out vibes of poverty. For instance, language like, "I need to lose 10 pounds" delivers precisely what you ask for. Instead of weight loss, you get the experience of always needing to lose weight. (Thanks a lot!) Indeed, that is what you asked for. Try this instead. Notice what your ideal weight is. 135 pounds? Okay, then say that! I lovvve weighing 135 pounds. Notice how different it feels to Say What You Love instead of what you need.
Your primary "job" is to walk through your day noticing and saying what you love unconditionally, either silently or verbally. That's all there is to it! How or when What You Love will manifest is not your concern. Along the way you will have intuitive hunches. Pay attention to these and act on them, without thinking about it too much.
Discover how SWYL clears away resistance to success, or anything else that limits your passions and dreams.
  • Notice how you access pure creation energy when you Say What You Love.
  • Notice how Saying What You Love disappears doubt, anxiety and confusion.
  • Notice how Saying What You Love gives you immediate clarity and confidence.
These are the magic power seeds that will grow your visions, deepen your authenticity and give you a home in peace. I bid you Happy Harvests living what you love.

Mackenzie Jordan

Say What You Love Unconditionally: A Guide to Creating Anything You Love by Mackenzie Jordan
Mackenzie Jordan is the author of
the new visionary book,
SAY WHAT YOU LOVE Unconditionally:
A Guide To Creating Anything You Love.

  • To attend or host a free SAY WHAT YOU LOVE mini workshop nationally, email
  • For more information on fine tuning your own creator power or how to create global peace by Saying What You Love, go to
  • In your New Moon meditation today, determine what areas of your life could improve and make a list.
  • Practice the "Say What You Love" technique described above and rewrite your list as a positive, loving statement. If you are doing this exercise as a group, you may wish to take turns reading your statements. You will find that we all share many of the same desires and goals, and you can check each other's positive wording.
  • When you meet again as a group, take time to measure your experiences and celebrate your results!
  • I recommend ordering this book and making this practice your new language of success!
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