New Moon July 29, 2003 |
6:53  GMT | ||||||||
"LETTING GO" by Hilary Bee |
The Moon cycle brings us back to darkness, time of the New Moon. It gives us another opportunity to look deep within, and access what lies hidden in the secret places of our minds. Many times we find thoughts, emotions, or memories that we would prefer to forget, feelings that linger unwanted. These feelings and memories keep us bound to the past, tied to events that have long gone. They block the flow of our energy, and stop us from seeing reality as it presents itself in the moment. They cloud our judgment and hinder us from enjoying the abundance that the universe is waiting to bestow on us. I?m sure we can all think of memories, patterns or feelings that we would like to be free from. We have probably tried to let them go repeatedly, yet there they remain. How loyal we are to our past! | |||||||||
Letting go and moving on can be a long, slow process. Transmuting our negative emotions can also be long and slow. We are conditioned to think that the bigger the trauma, the longer it takes to let go. This is not necessarily true, so let us not lock ourselves into those expectations. Let us be open to learning new ways to let go, new ways to transmute our emotions. There are many traditions, old and new, to support us in this endeavor. Let us take a look at some pointers. | |||||||||
A key step to letting go of the past is to acknowledge the truth of what took place, to be willing to look at it honestly without judgment or expectation, to feel the full range of emotions that are evoked. The New Moon is an ideal time to do this, as the energy of the Moon is supporting your intent. If this message is speaking to you, honor yourself with the space and time to take action. | |||||||||
Having faced the truth, it is time to decide to let go. By wholeheartedly making that choice, from your whole being without reservation, you flip the switch that allows the changes to take place. At some level we know this, and are often fearful of the consequence of making that decision. Maybe we would have to stop seeing ourselves as victims? Maybe we would have to relate to people differently? Maybe we would have to acknowledge that a door has been closed and that we need to walk through another one? Try asking yourself some forward-looking questions such as, ?Do I want to live this way for the rest of my life??, ?Is this pain worth hanging on to?? or ?If not now, when will I be willing to let this go?? | |||||||||
Once committed to the path, the forces of the universe move into place to support you. Ask for the support you need. Pray. Ask that the process be smooth and easy, that the people and resources to help you come to you quickly, that you recognize them when they show up and for the wisdom to avail yourself of them once they do. | |||||||||
Abundance takes many forms. Emotional wealth, peace of mind and the freedom to move forward from the past are precious beyond measure. Letting go into the abundance of the universe. Doesn?t that sound delicious? | |||||||||