I have been so fortunate to receive the energy transfer Hilary writes to in this article. Without traveling to India, without even leaving your favorite chair, you can experience the positive benefits of these blessings. Think how much easier and meaningful life would be with this advantage... Blessings of Grace, Cynthia |
Moon November 12, 2004 |
14:27 GMT | |||||||||||
"TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE?" By Hilary Bee |
What do you understand by the word “Enlightenment”? What would your own enlightenment look like? Do you envisage yourself being filled with light? Would everything that is hindering you being one with the divine fall away? Would you be wise beyond words and simple beyond thought? Would you be completely unencumbered by worldly affairs? Would you be filled with love and joy beyond understanding? Would you be the embodiment of compassion? Would you live in an ocean of peace? What is your picture? There have always been enlightened beings here, maybe just a handful at a time. The earth called out for them, and they came. Those beings gave out their teachings and for lifetimes we have striven to approach them. We have fasted, prayed, meditated, done good works, performed penance, practiced selflessness, renounced material goods, cleansed and purified ourselves and so much more besides. We have studied and reflected, going over the teachings and words of wisdom again and again and again, each time gleaning new insights. The good news is that the times have at last come for enlightenment to be available to all of us, not just the blessed few. Does this sound too good to be true? Read on. On my recent trip to India I discovered that enlightenment is familiar to us and is our natural state. As little children we did not know judgment, were able to take joy in the simplest of things and approached each experience with totally fresh eyes. The words we uttered contained the wisdom of the ages. I discovered that enlightenment does not come by our efforts, it comes by grace. I discovered that there is nothing we have to do to earn it or deserve it. And I found out that enlightenment is not a destination, it’s a journey towards total oneness. Upon my return I find that my mind is no longer in control of my life, giving a constant critical response to every thought, word and deed. The volume of the chatter is way, way down, and I have no attachment to it. Instead of having my mind determine what I do and think, I find myself drawing from a higher intelligence that is not mine to own. My senses are greatly heightened, as I am able to enjoy the present moment in a whole new way. I feel at peace with who I am, and my old self-doubt has gone. I am experiencing an inner certainty and calmness that is beyond what I have ever known. My past is a memory, without emotional loading on previously painful events. I find that I am no longer in survival mode, rather I find myself resting in the sureness of being an expression of the divine. The fears that I used to have about the future have evaporated. I know with every cell of my being that everything is as it is supposed to be, in divine order. The spiritual truths that I used to know have become a part of me, through direct experience. I find bliss in the simplest of things. Did I deserve this? Did I earn this? Did I work for this? No, I simply showed up for it. That’s it. Now you can too. I am allowed to talk to you about this gift, only because I am able to offer it to you. How is this possible? I chose to receive this gift in a way that allows me to pass it on. Or maybe it chose me. We live in special times, we have chosen to be here right now. You chose to read this and find out about this sooner rather than later. Ancient traditions in different cultures around the world have spoken of these times as being transcendent, including the Mayan calendar, Hindu cycles of the ages and Native American oral history. Those predicted times are now, not some time in the future. The long awaited future has arrived at last. It is time for the enlightenment of the whole planet, for each and every person and not the blessed few. We are all crying out for this, the earth is also crying out. The alternative is not pleasant to contemplate. We have studied enough, prayed enough, and meditated enough in order to receive enlightenment. We are all deserving of this grace, there is nothing more that we need to do to earn it. All the teachings that we need are already out there. What we need is the experience, and then the teachings will make sense and come alive. Then we can live them rather than strive for them. Then we can begin the process which takes us on a journey towards love, joy, bliss, oneness and union with the divine. Enlightenment is not something to be earned. It is a blessing to be received by an act of grace. It is coming to us all. The question is, how soon do you want it? You can wait for it to come to you, or you can put yourself in the place to have it now. At Moon Meditations we want this to be available to everyone who wants it, whatever your circumstances and wherever you live. We are creating a number of avenues to bring it to you, see below. May your inner light shine brightly, and our light become one. |