This New Moon, the last one of the year, brings festivals, celebrations and special times across the globe.
We see the moment of the Solstice ? Summer or Winter Solstice, the longest or the shortest day of the
year depending on where you live. We see Hanukah, Christmas, Diwali, Kwanzaa and the completion
of another solar year. At Moon Meditations we honor all paths and all expressions of spirit. Across these
different traditions, we see a strong desire to connect with our spirituality and to honor the natural world
around us at this time of year.
Why is it then, that in the Western culture and perhaps elsewhere too, there is such a strong pull to the
material world, to rushing and doing rather than being? Just when our souls are longing for connection with
the divine, for the quiet beauty that surrounds us, we find ourselves in a spin that pulls us away from those
very things. Maybe this is a special time of intensity, where those conflicts are particularly strong just to
show us our choices. Maybe the challenge of these times is to stay connected, grateful and respectful
when the forces of separation and disconnection are pronounced.
Let us allow ourselves the luxury of what our souls are longing for. Let us give ourselves the blessing of
quietness and reflection. Let us find within ourselves that place of stillness, where everything is perfect
just as it is. Let us allow ourselves to love ourselves unreservedly, and open the gateways to divine
expression. Let us find the time to listen to the quiet voice of wisdom, wherever it comes from.
Let us rededicate ourselves to our highest spiritual purpose, to the expression of our soul.
Let us open our hearts to others beyond what we have ever thought possible.
Let us allow love to flow through us, that knows no time, no place or ending.
Let us come together with our dearest friends and loved ones. We long for this all year. The time is now.
From Moon Meditations we send out our deepest love and appreciation for all of you who have come to us
and spent time with us in this past year. You have touched and enriched our lives, even if we have not met
or communicated directly. Thank you for coming to us. Your time is precious, and we value your touch
and your presence. Thank you for making this year such a special one for each of us. Come again soon,
we will share what is brought to us. Come together, this is the blessing of these sacred times.