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Dear Moon Meditations Community,

In my neighborhood in Phoenix, Arizona, we receive irrigation water brought to us through canals from our water source. Today was the first irrigation water that fed my outside plants since the water blessing we performed a few days ago. I truly felt a difference! I usually feel that this lake water is bringing contaminants to my property and today I felt the peace and higher vibration we experienced from the ritual. I had my hands in the cool, flowing water and the ground drank it up!

How much quicker could the planetary vibration raise if you all repeated this in your locality?

Here is the link to receive this sacred healing water.
You may also add water to your water source that is special to you, as we did.

Many blessings,



We send you our deepest gratitude and warmest thanks for joining us on 4/8/05 at our New Moon water ceremony. We received prayers and intentions from people across the USA and from several other countries, and included them all in our ceremony. We also received many well wishes, and know that many of you were tuning in with us in your own way. Many of you have asked us how it went, so we are sending you this brief description and appreciation.

Four of us gathered on the shore of the lake, one person for each of the four directions. It was a windy, sunny day as we spread our sacred items on the lakeshore. The water level was the highest it has been in living memory, following record winter rainfalls. We honored all the elements, and prayed for balance within, balance with each other, balance with the earth and all her creatures and a return to living in harmony and oneness. We honored those who had gone before us and those yet to come. We honored the passing of Pope John Paul II, and the blessings he brought. We opened ourselves to receive light and grace for ourselves and others, and anchor it in the land. We prayed for peace and the ending of all war, in every form.

Stepping into the water, we poured sacred water from around the planet into the lake, and said a prayer to activate the sacredness of the water of the entire lake. We poured the consciousness of the divine into the lake, receiving confirmation from the elements that we had been heard. Still standing in the lake we read out the prayers and intentions you had sent us, and then each spoke our own intentions. We offered the water gifts of flowers from our gardens, and watched the white and red blossoms float out into the lake.

Stepping out of the water, we sat facing the shore and honored ourselves by doing some seated yoga postures. After closing the ceremony, we retired to a shady ramada to share a light picnic and enjoy the rush of the wind - ahhhh!

We have since heard that all our intentions and prayers that day had a powerful healing effect upon the planet. We have also heard that this Friday 4/15/05 is an important day to pray for healing and the end of disease. We invite you to honor that in whatever way feels right for you.

Thank you for joining with us in our interconnected communities of lightworkers. We send you our blessings and deepest gratitude.


Love, Hilary and Cynthia

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