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New Moon

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How is your life changing and how are you relating differently to your life? I see examples in my own life of this quickening. Yes, I feel it. I see it for me and for you.

Many blessings,


New Moon
5, 2005
03:06 GMT

by Hilary Bee

We are in the midst of one of the most exciting times in the history of human development, and are privileged to witness and participate in it fully. Since you are reading this, you are one of those people who have eagerly volunteered to bring about an amazing shift in consciousness for all of human kind. There is a roll call going on, whereby each of our names being called and we are each getting our assignments. The call is usually gentle and nevertheless insistent. It won't go away! We may as well answer it now, even if we cannot hear what is being said. Remember that we each have the total support from the source of all, to answer that call and awaken to our path.

This shift has already taken place, in the sense that all of time is one. We get to enjoy the day to day playing out of the details. The picture is so much bigger than we can describe or contain. Beings of light from every dimension are here to enjoy, celebrate, support and participate with us. Whatever we thought of as a problem, from an individual to the global scale, has already been resolved and taken care of. We are privileged to witness the ingenuity, love and humor with which that resolution is unfolding. We are honored to play our own unique part in this inter-dimensional theatre, improvising our script from the totality of who we are in each changing moment. We get to bring the light of cosmos into this earthly plane and watch the transformation of dense matter into infinite expressions of pure love. Before our very eyes and ears.

The world of oneness that we long for is already here, birthed from the yearning of our hearts and souls. Increasingly we catch glimpses of it, as we experience extraordinary moments where the illusion of separation falls away. Our assumptions and preconceptions melt as we come face to face with deeper truths. A friend told me today that she looked at the mountain range near her house, and saw that it was gone. Looking back later, she saw it in a different place. Another friend watched a group of angels dancing in the sky. A roomful of people suddenly smelled the aroma of jasmine.
These moments of illumination are occurring more and more frequently, as we are able to integrate them. Your moments will be different from the ones I just described, but do not diminish them just because they are yours. Have you noticed how they arrive in the context of boundless love? The changes that we are witnessing are radical and far reaching. And they are unfolding with incredible intelligence and compassion.

Are the shifts in your life happening increasingly quickly? Many people are experiencing a quickening within. We may experience some of the changes as bumpy or uncomfortable. And yet aren't we sick of the old ways and longing for the new that we can already smell and taste, but perhaps not see? Someone told me this week that she had "let go of the trapeze" and was now living in a state of trust with the universe. As the changes come, be authentic with your emotions and at the same time reach out for the support that the divine is offering. At these moments, we may feel all alone and far from grace. Keep reaching anyway, contact is just an illusion away.

Thank you for all you do to bring your light into the world.
And thank you for the community that we share.


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