Some changes are massive, like the ones facing all the people effected by the recent hurricane. My own favorite cousin has been displaced from the New Orleans area. I am still waiting to learn if he has his home and business, and suspect he will probably be starting over at mid-life. Some changes are more subtle, but I feel we are all faced with many changes in these accelerated times, and that they carry a message. Many blessings to you in these times of change, Cynthia |
New Moon September 3, 2005 |
18:46 GMT | ||||||
This week my 80 year old mother, said to me, "So much is changing around us right now, we just have to stay flexible". This week another powerful message was delivered to our global consciousness through the medium of water. Hurricane Katrina spun across the southern states of the USA, shifting our thought forms as well as our coastlines. We are all affected, whether we feel it or not, as lives are lost and homes and livelihoods shattered. The pain of suffering and loss sweeps through our global body. For too long now we have lived in the duality of domination and subjugation. We have treated each other, treated all living things, and treated the earth as exploitable and expendable. In the middle of last century we opened Pandora's Box and have continued down the path of attempting to tame nature as if she were our servant. Now the earth is speaking back to us. It is easy to say in hindsight that New Orleans should not have been built on a sandy delta, hiding behind levees, below sea level. Yet we too have built our lives on shifting sands. Everything that we have built on the assumptions of separation, disconnection and ego will come tumbling down. While this may seem like a very gloomy outlook, in fact this is a time of enormous hope and light. It has taken coming right to the edge, for us to understand that we cannot continue doing what we have been doing. The very extremes that we see before us are what are energizing us to cry out for change. We have been so deeply asleep that it is taking a massive wake up call for us to be willing to shift our consciousness. As we start to open our eyes and our dormant senses, we start to see the scale of the problem and the legions of help that are there for the asking. Each of us might feel small in relation to the magnitude of our collective plight. Yet as each one of us shifts from a place of separation to a place of oneness, we influence the entire global grid. We affect everyone around us, everyone associated with us and beings in every dimension. As we are willing to look at what we have done, both individually and collectively, then we can be empowered by the truth. Escaping the truth keeps us locked in and heavy. Facing the truth allows us movement, new possibilities and a place for grace to enter. As we surrender our disconnection, we engage the highest levels of creativity. In the domain of oneness, there are infinite possibilities and infinite solutions. The habits are strong for us to fall back to sleep. The calls to awaken are getting louder and louder, with messages coming in every day, and every moment. As we remember and reconnect with what matters to us most deeply, then we are able to empower ourselves to become the change that we seek. We reawaken the dreams and vision that most of us have carried since childhood, of the type of world we would like to live in. We stir ourselves to answer the call that is coming in so many different languages. We take the risk to shift out of our comfort zones as they are fast disappearing. We find ourselves unable to force ourselves to do what no longer serves us. We find joy in following our hearts. We start relaxing into the feeling of change and new possibility. We find friendship and commonality in unexpected places. Our quirky ideas become mainstream. More changes are coming. As we learn to be the change and relax into the wisdom of connectedness, we can surrender to the perfection of the moment and live our lives to the fullest. We signed up for this, let's enjoy it together!