… Begin by smudging yourself with sage and/or sweetgrass to purify your energy and transmute negativity. … Create your sacred space by walking a circle clockwise to place a symbol of each of the elements in the respective directions. In the direction of the east, which represents the SPIRITUAL, you can light a candle as a symbol of the element of FIRE; in the south set a bowl of WATER to represent the element of water and representing EMOTION; (the east and south are the feminine aspects); in the west place a rock or crystal as a symbol of the element of EARTH and representing the PHYSICAL aspect; and finally, in the direction of the North place a feather representing the element of AIR and representing the MENTAL aspects (the west and the north are the male aspects). As you complete the circle ending in the direction of the east once again, turn and walk to the center and place a symbol of the Divine in the center of the circle. * … Now that the symbols have been placed, walk the circle again and smudge your sacred space. Remember to always enter the circle from the east and always walk in a clockwise rotation. Don't forget to smudge the center of the circle also. … During the two weeks prior to the New Moon gather some seeds in a small pouch and hold them during your meditations. Infuse into the seeds your thoughts, prayers, hopes, wishes and dreams. You can carry them with you throughout the day or leave at home in a sacred space (perhaps on your altar). If you have not done this during this two-week period place some seeds in a small pouch and hold in your hands and spend a few minutes prior to the ceremony to infuse your hopes, wishes, dreams and prayers into the seeds. You are now ready to begin your ceremony. … If there are other participants other than yourself, smudge everyone before entering the sacred medicine wheel circle. If you feel you need to smudge yourself again, you should do so. … Walk the circle beginning in the east and stop at each direction invoking the presence and honoring the spirits of each direction. Ask for their assistance, guidance, healing and protection and thank them for sharing their gifts. Do this in our own words or write down a standard phrase to use during the ceremony. An example would be: … Now sprinkle on the ground in that direction either some cornmeal or some tobacco as a "give away" as a symbol to give back to the spirits thanking them for their love and assistance. … Repeat this process of honoring each direction and invoking the presence of the Masters, Angels, etc. for each of the directions - always walking clockwise. (You can use the narration above but remember to change the elements and stage of life.) Remember to include the center - honoring the ABOVE, the BELOW and the WITHIN. Thank you God. … If there are others in the ceremony you can begin the ceremony with drumming, chanting, singing, storytelling or sharing with a talking stick or in any other fashion or ritual that you choose. … Gaze up at the New Moon and spend a few minutes contemplating and visualizing the new beginnings that you choose to manifest in your life. … Affirmatively and confidently pronounce to the universe all of the things that no longer have power over your life, releasing then. Now follow the following formula for manifesting your hopes, dream and wishes:
… After this formula has been followed for each person scatter the seeds into the circle or you can save them and scatter them later in a sacred place (a special garden or planter). … Experience a sharing time if needed or sing or pray or drum in thanksgiving. … If everyone feels complete and you are ready to close the sacred circle - do so by walking in a clockwise direction. Stop at each direction and thank and release the spirits. Everyone exits the circle from the East.
(* Editor's Note: Meanings for the four directions can vary by different traditions. As an example the east representing the air, the south representing fire, the west representing water, and the north representing earth. Apply the meanings that resonate for you.) |