  These instructions are either for an individual or a group.
star Gather your supplies, including candles, sprays, crystal bell etc. Clear the energy of your chosen place. This can be done by using a smudge stick, spritzing the space with meditation or prosperity spray, or by using a bell or chimes. Light the candles. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, quiet your thoughts and center yourself on what you are doing.
star Find a quiet spot for your meditation; it is good to have the same place each time if possible. Choose somewhere that feels safe, protected and special. Make sure you won’t be disturbed.
  Moon Meditation Group
  You are participating in a group, even if you are doing this alone, as you are joining people round the world who are doing the same thing. Welcome everyone, and allow each person to introduce themselves.
star Consciously connect with our Moon Meditation group encircling the globe. Imagine joining together with like-minded people who are sitting together in different places, connecting with each other through the Moon. Take a moment to feel this. Breathe deeply.
star State out loud the intention or purpose of your meditation.
Declare that the meditation has begun. You may want to bless the directions (East, South, West, North, Above, Below), open a circle or invoke your deity or deities. Connect with the Moon, feel her energies. Take some deep connected breaths.
star Read the theme for the evening (from our website), and take time to either meditate on it or discuss it.
star If it is the Full Moon, set your intentions for the next month for what you would like to achieve. Include your intentions for prosperity. Review how you did with the intentions you set at the last Full Moon.
star If it is the New Moon, allow time for self-expression or creativity. This could take the form of singing, music, writing, drawing, poetry, dance or anything else that inspires you.
When this feels complete, re-focus with yourself and the rest of the group, and declare the session closed. After the session, you could have a time for socializing if you have a group of people.
star Enjoy! Email Moonmommy if you have any questions!  Close Window.