Yourself Bath Celebration"
As a wonderful way to nurture
and celebrate your love for yourself, we suggest that you
treat yourself to a special bath. Make sure that you have
enough time to relax fully and enjoy it, and that you will
be undisturbed. Set up whatever supplies that you need
ahead of time, such as candles, music, essential oils,
flower essences, bath salts, soft towels and comfortable
clothes to put on afterwards. You might want to include
a drink in a plastic container and some special food such
as grapes or cherries.
Run your bath to a comfortable temperature, light the
candles and put whatever additives into the bath that you
have decided upon. Dim the lights or turn them off. As
you get ready to step into the bath, dedicate this bath
to loving yourself unconditionally and releasing anything
that is the way of you being able to do that. You might
want to include the words:
"I, (say your
name), dedicate this special bath to myself, so that
I am able to love myself unconditionally and without
reservation. I ask my guides, angels and loved ones to
be present and help me, and surround me with blessings.
I am willing to release whatever is in the way of me loving
myself completely."
Once you are in the bath, tell yourself what you love
about yourself. You can say the words out loud, or even
better sing them out loud. Include every aspect of yourself
- every part of your body, your emotions, your mind, your
spirit, your soul, your energetic bodies, your personality,
your habits and everything else that you can think of.
Remember to include everything without judgment, so it
is important to speak of those things that you don't normally
associate with love. For example you might say or sing, "I
love my willingness to learn, I love the texture of my
skin, I love my wrinkles and I love my stubbornness." Continue
until you feel complete.
Once you have finished, and are ready to pull the plug,
send the water out of the tub with your blessings. You
could say:
"I send forth
this sacred water to bring love and light to all who
come in contact with it. I ask that these blessings of
love reach every inhabitant of this place that I live
as it flows under the ground on its continued journey."