Many blessings, Cynthia |
New Moon October 3, 2005 |
10:29 GMT | |||||||
We wait . . . pregnant with possibilities during the time of the void between the releasing of the full moon and the birthing cycle of the new moon. We wait . . . we hope . . . we awaken in the Great Mystery of the void . . . to the emptiness of all that is, to the secrets of the universe which allow us to co-create with the Divine Essence that which our heart desires. Like the fetus wrapped warmly within the womb, we too are invited to go deeply within and nurture our inner selves - our hopes, our wishes, our dreams and allow them the time to gestate. Then upon the beginning of the moon cycle - the "new" moon - the energy is renewed, revitalized and solid, birthing into creation the manifestation of our dearest desires. We are co-creators with God and we have the ability to cast forth our thoughts into the universe knowing that in accordance with universal law of "like energy attracting like energy" it will be returned to us fulfilled if we nurture it properly. This energy of attraction is a gift of the Divine Feminine as the essence of femininity draws back to herself through her magnetism all that she desires. Just as the moon draws from the light of the sun and reflects it back into the world as a gift allowing her beauty to be seen, we too hold the power to bring into manifestation that which we desire by using the secrets of the masculine and the feminine powers. Creation begins with the power of the feminine holding the tiny seed full of possibilities. We begin to catch a glimpse of the unknown through our thoughts and the seed begins to unfold as emotion is attached to it, with joy being the emotion which truly thrusts the seed into expression and growth. We then must hold the thought - believing. Science tells us it only takes 17 seconds of pure thought to co-create a desire. Finally, we must release and surrender - believing and knowing that it is true - a walk with faith. This formula magically sets in motion the steps necessary to bring about true manifestation. It is then time for the Divine Masculine to play its role in pursuing the physical actions necessary to bring about the desired result. The marriage of these two aspects births into creation any wish, hope or desire if it is nurtured in this way. Just as with the full moon, the new moon is an optimum time to draw upon the magical energies with ceremony to assist in bringing forth the desired results. Using seeds in your ceremony along with following the prescribed formula make for a wonderful ritual to follow or one can create their own meaningful rituals. The suggested "New Moon Ceremony" can be used to assist in manifesting your hopes, wishes and dreams. May you use this ceremony in the spirit of new beginnings, optimism and bringing into fruition, not only your heart's desires, but all the things that will allow you to express your optimum self and to connect fully with the Divine Essence so that you may truly know the fullness of an enlightened and blessed state of consciousness. Namaste.
Her Intuitive Living Ministry is hosting an international interfaith conference in Sedona, Arizona October 28, 29 and 30, 2005 at the Radisson Poco Diablo Resort entitled "Celebrating The Many Paths To God" and promises to be a dynamic weekend promoting spiritual Truth, enlightenment, unity and world peace. She is also the Founder and Director of The Namaste Center, LLC in Phoenix, Arizona where she is available for private sessions, classes and inspirational talks. For more information please go to her website at