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New Moon

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We honor all those who share from the heart. You know who you are!

It just comes naturally to help others with resources, information, insight, and kindnesses. To both give and receive.

Thank you!


New Moon
April 8, 2005
20:33 GMT

by Hilary Bee

Each day our lives are blessed by those who share their gifts
with us. Some of those people we know personally and some gift
us from afar. We can each think of people whose immediate response to being given something wonderful is to pass it along to others.

They are excited to give out the blessings that they have been given and the lessons that they have learned. They experience deep satisfaction in sharing, and as they do so their lives are enhanced.
Their actions speak to connectedness and oneness, for they know that your gain is their gain.

This New Moon is special in many ways. People round the
world will be celebrating the life and mourning the death of a great spiritual leader, Pope John Paul II. Whether we agreed with him or not, he reached out beyond his beloved church and gave of himself
tirelessly to bring light to others. Thank you for all the gifts
you brought us.

This New Moon also brings with it a solar eclipse, a time of special opening and possibility. Here at Moon Meditations we are honoring this passage with a ceremony to bless all the water in our area. Many of you have sent us your intentions, so that we can add them to the ceremony. If you were not able to do so, we invite you to send them to us silently from your heart, so that we can participate together in this sharing of blessings.

We are all connected, we are one. Sometimes we forget this simple truth, yet that truth does not change in our forgetting. We might think of that connection as being a spiritual one, and indeed it is. We are also connected in very physical, tangible ways and water is a very important element of that connection. Water moves freely, it wants to be free and is a powerful metaphor for freedom.

It moves in and out of our bodies, minute by minute. It moves
through the air, seen and unseen. It travels across the earth,
caressing her body. It travels through time connecting us to those who have gone before us and those yet to be born. Each day you take in water that was once physically within each being that has ever lived, including all the saints, sages and spiritual leaders. And each being that has yet to be born will take in water that was once within you. Physically, tangibly, we are one body.

Water carries our thoughts, our vibrations, and our messages.
Each time we think a loving thought, we physically send that message out to the rest of the planet. Each time we raise our vibration, each time our heart sings, each time we weep with joy we share our blessings with each and every sentient being past, present and future. As we are blessed, so we bless others.

We invite you to join us this New Moon in our ceremony and our prayers, and we invite you to be conscious of the blessings you share each and every day.



"Water Blessing Report"

Are you familiar with the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto?

Through his experiments photographing water crystals, he has proven the power of our words. If you are new to Moon Meditations, or would like to reread this article from last July, just click here:
(Unfortunately the promotion of water fountains is not currently available)

Is Dr. Emoto scheduled to be in your area?

Click here for his tour schedule:

We just received this message right before emailing this article to you! As you know, we have scheduled a meditation and ceremony for
4/8/05 20:33 GMT. We will include intentions for peace and we invite you to join in.

News Flash April 7, 2005

With the last major move in consciousness, which occurred last weekend, we have been thrust into events we would not have encountered until 2011 (and I am not permitted to be more specific).

As a result there is a lot for the light promoters to do now.
We ask that you and your other lightworker friends gather this coming Friday, April 8, to pray for world peace and a new time without war.

Friday is the turning point for that issue for this year. NOT THE DAY BEFORE NOR THE DAY AFTER. I ask as many of you as possible to join me in this.

With love,


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